“The Earth without us will cope just fine Yet we without her won’t survive”: Polish rock musicians as climate defenders


The issue of responding to human actions which had caused the environmental pollution and lowering of life quality is hardly alien to Polish rock musicians. Since the 1980s they have been addressing it in their songs, which is compounded with them leading pro-climate lifestyle. This article discusses both, some selected instances of the said musicians’ activism and the lyrical content they proposed to their audiences, tailored to instigate the readers to reflect upon contemporality and the future of the Earth.


climate protection; Poland; rock music


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Published : 2022-12-22

FicM. (2022). “The Earth without us will cope just fine Yet we without her won’t survive”: Polish rock musicians as climate defenders. Wieki Stare I Nowe, 17(22), 1-23. https://doi.org/10.31261/WSN.2022.22.16

Maciej Fic  maciej.fic@us.edu.pl
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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