Noblemen of the Lublin Voivodeship in the declining period of the war for the Polish throne in 1735—1736


As a result of the military failures of Dzikowianie and the growing economic crisis of 1735 caused by the destruction and numerous war contributions, the nobility of the Lublin Voivodeship, who had so far supported Stanisław Leszczyński, gradually began to move to the Sas side. In January 1735, some of the nobility of Lublin officially recognized August III as their king. Despite the success of pre-parliamentary sejmiks, including the Lublin ones, in 1735, the king did not reconcile with the opposition. The pacification Sejm of 1735 was broken. In fact, the country was to be fully pacified only in 1736 due to the second pacification parliament. However, deputies from the lubelskie voivodeship were not present at this Sejm, as the pre-parliamentary sejmik of Lublin was broken during the election of the marshal.


interregnum; pre-detine 1735; Stanisław Leszczyński; pacification sejm 1735; king August III; Jan Tarło; Felicjan Eleuteryn Gałęzowski

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Published : 2022-10-18

LisekA. (2022). Noblemen of the Lublin Voivodeship in the declining period of the war for the Polish throne in 1735—1736. Wieki Stare I Nowe, 17(22), 1-22.

Adam Lisek
Polish Historical Society Katowice Section  Poland

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