Broad Roads and Forgotten Trails of the History of Philosophy in the Philosophical Research of Andrzej J. Noras


Iwona Alechnowicz-Skrzypek’s aim in this article is to present Andrzej J. Noras’s approach to the history of philosophy, which he regarded as a meta-philosophical discipline. In his publications, Noras repeatedly addressed the importance and value of historical-philosophical research. Noras’s specific understanding of history of philosophy was based on a critical attitude, according to which the researcher must make an effort not omit anything and to examine his subject from different perspectives. In his research, he followed paths
rarely taken by historians of philosophy, which allowed him to make noteworthy findings in neo-Kantianism, his main area of interest. He also devoted ample attention to lives and achievements of philosophers who are either little known or even entirely forgotten. Professor Andrzej J. Noras takes credit for allowing them to speak to us again.


Andrzej J. Noras; history of philosophy; neo-Kantianism; post-neo-Kantianism; critical thinking

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Published : 2022-06-30

Alechnowicz-SkrzypekI. (2022). Broad Roads and Forgotten Trails of the History of Philosophy in the Philosophical Research of Andrzej J. Noras. Folia Philosophica, 47, 1-10.

Iwona Alechnowicz-Skrzypek
University of Opole  Poland

Iwona Alechnowicz-Skrzypek – doktor habilitowana, emerytowana profesor Uniwersytetu Opolskiego. W kręgu jej zainteresowań badawczych znajdują się dwudziestowieczna filozofia niemiecka i austriacka, relacje między filozofią a psychologią, a także filozoficzna przeszłość Wrocławia

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