All submissions undergo a preliminary evaluation by members of the Editorial Board (thematic editors) and the Editor-in chief. Manuscripts that pass this preliminary review are then sent to external reviewers.

The reviewing procedure is as follows: The editor of the Philosophy series presents a list of suggested external reviewers with the habilitation (postdoctoral) degree. Next, the University Publishing Committee selects two reviewers from the list, and the University of Silesia Press sends the texts for review. Reviewers are not affiliated with the same institutions as the Authors of submissions.

Reviews are prepared in writing. A text is accepted for publication only if both reviews include the recommendation to publish it in the current form, or if they recommend it for publication provided that the Authors take into account the Reviewer’s comments. The Authors receive the reviews and should respond in writing to all concerns of both Reviewers. If they do not agree with some of the comments, they should obtain the Editor-in-chief’s approval.  The principles of peer-review and stages of the reviewing procedure are described at the University Press website. Folia Philosophica follows the double-blind review process, with Authors and Reviewers remaining anonymous to each other. The names of the Reviewers of particular volumes are not disclosed. The reviewing procedure follows the recommendations of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education as described in Dobre praktyki w procedurach recenzyjnych w nauce (Best practices in review procedures in science; Warszawa 2011).