The Philosophical Thought of Upper Silesian Clergy in the Works of Czesław Głombik

Kazimierz Wolsza


In his research, Czesław Głombik was concerned, among other topics, with the history of contemporary philosophy (including Catholic philosophy), renewal trends in the Catholic doctrine, and issues related to the history of Upper Silesia. These three research areas converged in Professor Głombik’s studies devoted to Upper Silesian Catholic clergy as represented, in particular, by Konstanty Michalski, Erich Przywara, Fryderyk Klimke, August Hlond, and Bolesław Kominek. In his studies, Professor Głombik drew attention to chosen aspects of their work, ones which earlier research had ignored. His studies are based on ample use of archival sources. In Professor Głombik’s publications we can find elements characteristic of the spirituality of Upper Silesia in the sense of a philosophically deepened idea of the Silesia region. Among the issues he addressed were Polish and German factors in the history of Silesia, language, the Silesian ethos, the contribution of Silesians to European culture, pride, and memory.


history of philosophy; Catholic philosophy; Catholicism; renewal; Upper Silesia; Czesław Głombik

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Published : 2022-06-30

WolszaK. (2022). The Philosophical Thought of Upper Silesian Clergy in the Works of Czesław Głombik. Folia Philosophica, 47, 1-26.

Kazimierz Wolsza
University of Opole  Poland

Kazimierz Wolsza – profesor nauk humanistycznych w dyscyplinie filozofia, duchowny rzymskokatolicki należący do diecezji gliwickiej, autor około 400 publikacji z zakresu filozofii współczesnej, ontologii i filozofii religii. Pracuje w Instytucie Nauk Teologicznych i Instytucie Historii Uniwersytetu Opolskiego. Prowadzi zajęcia z historii filozofii nowożytnej i współczesnej, ontologii, estetyki oraz z filozofii muzyki.

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