The role of forensic science in combating forest damage

Sylwia Zadworna


In the presented study, the author raised the issue of forensic science in revealing and securing traces left at the scene of the commission of forest damage. She characterizes both the essence of forest damage, its types and statistics of these acts in recent years, and a forensic examination of traces at the scene of the incident, along with a description of those most often performed at such acts. Considerations in this regard included forensic trace research in the fields of traseology, mechanoscopy and osmology.


forensic science; protection of the forest; forest damage


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Published : 2023-02-08

ZadwornaS. (2023). The role of forensic science in combating forest damage. Prawne Problemy Górnictwa I Ochrony Środowiska, (1), 1-15.

Sylwia Zadworna
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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